Music analysis in the theoretical, interpretative, historical and didactic study of music: the Fourth Convention of 'Analitica' (Istituto "G. Lettimi", Rimini 2006)


  • Alessandra Montali


From 16-18 March 2006, at the Istituto di Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale “G. Lettimi” in Rimini, the Fourth Research Meeting of Analitica was held, organized by the G.A.T.M. (Group of Music Analysis and Theory), in collaboration with the Province and the Municipality of Rimini. The Scientific Committee of the Convention included: Mario Baroni, Antonio Bertozzi, Rossana Dalmonte, Gianluca Gardini, Enrico Meyer, Susanna Pasticci, Egidio Pozzi, Lorenzo Rinaldi, and Giorgio Sanguinetti. After the greetings warmly expressed by the Councillors for the Arts of the Province and the Municipality of Rimini (Marcella Bondoni and Stefano Pivato) and the generous welcome on behalf of the Director of the Institute, Prof. Enrico Meyer, the participants immediately got down to work. The four intense study sessions, spread over the three days of the Convention, were organized according to the following thematic areas: Tonal Repertories (pres. Giorgio Sanguinetti); Twentieth Century Music I (pres. Loris Azzaroni); Twentieth Century Music II (pres. Susanna Pasticci); Round Table on Luciano Berio’s “Rounds” (pres. Rossana Dalmonte).




